Saturday, January 7

Snuggle Time

Was it yesterday or Thursday -- I can't remember, today has been such a long busy day that the rest of the week all seem to blur together. I believe it was Thursday morning when for whatever reason one of the kiddos woke up super early and ended up waking up everyone else. Jon left for work, and we were all downstairs, half awake, and cold. So I figured it would be a great time for morning snuggles and a little movie. I simply adore my half awake snuggle time with the kiddos. (however I would prefer it to be when they have been up past their bed time and I get snuggles in their bed, versus being woken up before the sun was even thinking about showing its face) We all snuggled up with blankets and watched Ratatouille for the hundred time. Mornings like this totally make waking up early worth it.

Grae was not happy to be awake so early

silly Zekie

sister cuddle time - Grae was finally starting to wake up

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