Saturday, January 7

Family Visit

Yesterday was a different schedule for us because Jon's Mom and sister flew into town. His Mom, Andrea, was out here last year when Graesynn was born but we haven't seen her since. His sister, Naomi, has never been able to visit since we moved away five years ago, but we have seen her the few times we've made it out to California (last time was over 2 years ago)

We have all been looking forward to their visit, and I know they have been extremely excited too. Shortie was really excited about using sign language with her Aunt Naomi (she is deaf and loosing her vision). She had been trying to practice the few signs I've taught her and is ready to learn a bunch more (I wanted to be a teacher for the deaf and the blind and, in what seems like a different life time, was actually very good at American Sign Language, but haven't been keeping up on it -- another goal to add - get back to signing, I love it)

Yesterday was spent in much anticipation for their visit. After dinner all the little ones were in bed and we were watching a movie when I realized I hadn't taken any pictures - what a bummer. They will be visiting for the next ten days --- we hope to do some fun adventures outside of the house and also spend some low key days at home enjoying each others company.

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