Tuesday, February 3

Economy and Hardships

So much has been said lately on the economy and families/businesses struggling.
Jon and I sit in the same boat as so many others during this time.
Not knowing how to put food on the table, let alone how to pay the mortgage or rent.
We have financial struggles (jobless wth bills, and tons of medical bills - like so many others) - but we know that we are blessed - we have amazing family and friends. We know that we have God, we have faith. We have hope. We have joy in the sorrows. How can anyone make it through this situation without Him.
Its hard to see people we care about going through any struggles or hardships.
We are, year after year, amazed that you hardly ever hear of stories of giving anymore. We watched a special not too long ago that the "poor" give more than the wealthy - based on percentage of income and population. Amazing, and sad! How does one not feel heartache towards others simply because they've never been in the same situation.
Be thankful for your Blessings! Tomorrow everything can change, but one thing will forever stay the same - Gods eternal blessings.