Monday, January 2

Niacin Flush

I take niacin regularly - the same small dose everyday. Yet for some reason the other night two hours after taking it I got a niacin flush. It was right as we were getting ready to eat dinner and I felt it coming on before I turned lobster red. At first it really freaked the three older kids out, but then we explained it to them... then came the mad laughter. Shortie thought it was the funniest thing of the week and could not stop doing her evil Auntie RahRah laugh. We took pictures just because of how funny Shortie thought it was. So enjoy my lobster was all over my face, elbows, shoulders, and neck.

Shortie thought the red was hysterical... good thing its not dangerous so she can laugh away

still the beginning of the flush ... the red simply gets deeper in color which made the laughter increase

1 comment:

S Larijani said...

I think the evil Auntie RahRah laugh runs in the family... I got it from Dad.

The pictures crack me up! I can hear her laughing just looking at them :)