Tuesday, January 17

Math Pretzels

Snack time turned into math time today - our math program uses alligators for the great than, less than, type of problems. The alligator eats the biggest pile of whatever it is, so his big mouth is facing the big number ready to chomp. While getting some pretzels for Grae the big kids were having fun making alligators and math problems. It thrills me to see them having fun with learning and showing the little kids how to as well.

Ezekiel's alligator had a long tail

Shortie's math 7 > 4

Shortie's alligator

Side story - we also made some crackers (vegan crackers) today. The kids had so much fun helping cut out the shapes and putting them on a baking sheet

I really love the natural colors of food -- God's beautiful art work (nutritional yeast, ground pepper, salt, flour, turmeric, and paprika)

crackers before going in the oven

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