Saturday, February 18

Silly Bubba

This morning it was rainy and a little chilly. We had a few errands to run and while getting ready to go we realized Bubba had forgotten his jacket in the car last night. Bubba was hanging out in the mud room not wanting to go in the garage saying it was too cold (we did just move from Virginia right? We've had blizzards and snow many times... Did he forget what cold was like already?) I found an extra Shortie jacket in bright pink and told Bubba he could wear that or be cold. He stood there staring at the jacket for a few minutes then looked at me and in a very serious voice said, "pinks not my color" then he walked right out in the cold and got in the van. Ha, hopefully now he will remember to bring his jacket in from the car. (Also kind of funny that he said no because it was only last year that he would say pink was his favorite color because he wanted to like everything Shortie liked. It's nice to see him standing up for what he likes instead of following his big sister)

Right now I'm sitting in the car with the five kiddos while Jon in in Nordstroms Rack shopping for some work clothes. I gave all the kids some chewable vitamin C. Grae would put hers in her mouth and then take it out, inspecting it and then deciding she would try it again. Bubba told Grae to eat it and said, "I ate mine Grae. It's yummy, and now my tummy is super happy". I love the little things they say to each other.

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