Tuesday, February 28

Shortie Turns Seven!!!

Back on January 27th our baby girl turned seven... SEVEN?! How did she become seven already? She is really growing way too fast and I pray that I can slow the days and weeks down to cherish and remember more of these days. I'm not going to say much on this because it will get me all emotional and turn into a long blog posting and I have lots to update on... I love my Shortie and I'm so proud of the girl she is becoming. We are honored to be her parents!

This year we had a surprise trip planned to New York City for her birthday - but the weather was suppose to be ugly and we knew we only had two weeks before the big move and lots to do. Shortie didn't know of the plans, only thing she knew is Gaw and Papa were coming in town and we had something big planned. Every birthday I make a birthday balloon wreath for the kiddos, and we started a tradition of decorating while the birthday person was sleeping - surprising them with all the decorations (that was Shortie's idea for the boys a few years back). This year Shortie didn't want to know anything about her birthday - colors, theme, anything. Since we had to switch her birthday plans we decided to go to the National Aquarium in Baltimore. I bought all sorts of fish/whale themed birthday stuff and different shades of blues. 

The day of her birthday was also the day Jon gave his two week notice (still crazy to think about!).

little sister helping to get the house decorated.

she is SEVEN!!!!

birthday wreath

working on fish themed arts 'n crafts

Shortie's finished with her picture frame

Grae getting some Gaw lovin'

our beautiful birthday girl

she was loving the night

cake time!

great night!

happy birthday girl 

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