Saturday, September 6

Tropical Storm

We are getting pounded by tropical storm Hanna. Rain, lots of Rain!!!

We were out of milk - which is a big deal for Shortie and Bubba - they just recently started drinking milk - lots of it! So we headed to the store.

When we got home a few minutes later it was really pouring! We knew we'd get wet, but we didn't know we get that wet. Jon reached over his seat and un-did Shortie's car seat, then she climbed down to her door. So he got out of the car and opened her door, when he went to grab the milk Shortie climbed back in the front of the car because she didn't want to get wet (although she was already soaked)... finally she got out of the car and went inside... (we have hers on video)

Bubba on the other hand was left up to me... and Baby Zek. I looked behind me and saw that he still had his rain boots on (which is great, because then I wouldn't have to stand in the rain with him in the car trying to put them on), so I got out of the car (now its pouring even harder) and un-did his car seat and put him down so he could run in the house... well, his boots were on, but not all the way. His heal was stuck mid boot. So, I had to bend over and fight the boots to go on. My entire back was drenched. Not a dry spot (thank goodness its a warm storm).

Then Bubba walked maybe five feet and stopped frozen just looking at his feet. His entire body was one with the rain. Nothing remained dry. I stood there watching him - laughing -- really laughing! Here is my child getting drenched by this down pour and he is standing frozen in a muddy puddle! I had a debate with myself to grab the camera and record his silly antics or to just grab baby Zek and make a run for it hoping Bubba would follow. I wish I had recorded Bubba - but I was too afraid to open my purse which was already in the rain, and risk getting everything wet - including the camera. So instead I grabbed a blanket covered as much of Baby Zek's car seat as possible and took off for the house. Jon came to the rescue at that moment and scooped Bubba up running for inside - he too was cracking up when he saw Bubba frozen in the rain.

I bet our neighbors were either laughing at us laughing at Bubba, or they think we are terrible parents ---

We all felt as if we took a shower with our clothes on --- every ounce of us was wet! Except for Zek, thank God we had a very thick blanket that absorbed all the rain, and the canopy of his car seat was good quality - making a puddle instead of it soaking through and dripping on him. But, man, it was so funny watching the older kiddos in the rain!

Here is Bubba after we came in and changed, his hair was still soaked!

Here I am, soaking wet... it was dripping off my chin! (click to enlarge it, and I think you can see all the water)

Here is the video of Shortie

1 comment:

LoReta said...

Loved all the pictures! Oh, has the baby grown - but then that's what he's supposed to do. We really miss all of you. Love GGma