Tuesday, September 2

Kids & Flour

So this morning I was changing Baby Zek in our room, when I heard the kids getting into something... as I came walking into the living room they ran out of the kitchen and jumped on the couches--- covered in flour!!!

I had left a bowl of bread flour out (we buy it in 25 pound bags, and keep it in the pantry, but last night I made cinnamon rolls and had extra flour in a bowl for kneading the dough...I left it out to use today for the tomato bread... my mistake) Usually I let the kids help me make bread, so they know how to mix it and knead it and what not. Since they already got into the flour, I figured I'd let them have fun with it and pretend to make their own bread.... I didn't think they could make such a mess.... we all enjoyed it, mess and all!

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