Sunday, September 7

silly shirt story

I was working on my guitar painting, and Jon was doing dishes, while the kids played on the back patio. Jon changed his shirt to a wife beater brown A-frame tank shirt (whatever you want to call it). Shortie walked in and said "Hey, Dad, why are you wearing Moms shirt?" It was so funny. Both Jon and I started busting up laughing... I know a lot of my friends use to make fun of me for having so many brown tanks, but I thought I had expanded to different colors and styles...but I guess not enough if Shortie thinks Dads manly tank is Moms. She then went on to say "Mommy and Shortie have those shirts, not Daddy!' Even worse - I bought her a few of them too, in brown and green... like I said in the other post, poor Shortie didn't have anything pink for the first two years of her life unless someone else bought it and someone else got her dressed... just wanted to share our laughter

:O) Jon is still laughing at the comment...

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