Thursday, August 28

Thursday... Just Thursday

Hello... just a random little note before I post some pictures. Jon has stated that if we have another girl (although there is no plan to have anymore babies via me... we would like to adopt two more little ones - we'd like at least one more girl) so... back to the point - if we have another little girl, Jon likes the name Sawyer... If Ezekiel was a girl he/she would have been Ireland... now he throws Sawyer out there and it is really his turn (I named Shortie, he did Eli, I loved the name Ezekiel since now really its his turn... if we take turns) anyways - thats all, just that Jon likes the name Sawyer if we have a little girl

Can you see Bubba and Shorties' friend... the little squirrel. They run all over all the time... and the kids love it - Jon and I, not so much lovin' the squirrels...

This is little Zek during the day, with a half smile, I was a little slow at taking the picture - but he is still super adorable! (and those are my toes behind his head... they make for a great headrest)

We got this outfit when Shortie was first born... I believe from Jons Dad and step Mom, it also has a blanket that matches. Its super funny to see him wearing it, and it makes Shortie laugh, which is great.

Zek is laughing!!! Look at those lips! Love it! He is so funny!!!!!

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