Tuesday, August 26

random updates

Its Tuesday -- yippy - Jon is off today!

We were sitting here looking at pictures we'd taken the last couple of days and decided to add them to our blog - at least some of them (we are a camera happy family...wonder where we get that from...lol)

Poor Little Man - not only did he get the three blisters on his foot - but he stepped on the edge of the carpet where every once in a while you get stabbed by a nail or staple -- well, if you can find a way to get hurt Bubba will find it - so it sliced the bottom of his foot in two places (it bled like crazy for small cuts) and it was on the same foot as his blisters... Shortie also got an "ouchie" on her knee while out with Daddy she fell down - but she was very good and let Jon look at it (usually she gets embarrassed and tries to hide it)

This is the "Paula Cake" from my baby shower that Vanessa (our Pastors wife) put together for me with the ladies from our church. Paula makes great cakes (that's an understatement!) Oh, and Vanessa's food was super good!!! she sent left overs home and we've been eating them for every meal... yummy!!! I had a blast, and it was great to get to know all the girls on a deeper level. Its been such a blessing to have found Evergreen Church!

The trees outside are starting to change to fall colors! We love it! Its so exciting to actually experience fall! Everyday when we go outside there are leaves everywhere -- that's one time its great to live in an apartment - you aren't the one cleaning up all the leaves... We look forward to our road trip to Maine - we are going to drive through Boston... that's going to be so beautiful!

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