Sunday, October 12 pictures

So I haven't really posted anything since our vacation road trip --- I have so many pictures to try and figure out which ones to put up --- and then I am waiting for all of the pictures taken with my parents cameras... It was a blast!

Some crazy fun memories --- I ran over my first dead (it was already dead) animal - and it happened to be a skunk...ewww! That poor tire still smells. Boston is a lot like San Fran but the buildings are much more beautiful -- those roads are not made for mini vans - in fact, I think the person that invented the Smart Car had driven on those streets and realized we need some small cars (we had to push in the mirrors a few times to fit)

My Dad had a few OMGosh moments that were super funny -- in a car long enough with family and you get loopy - just a look can make you crack up with laughter.

We loved Portland Maine! So pretty! The lighthouses were more amazing than I thought they'd be. And someone actually thought I was from the North because I had flips on in weather that was in the low 30s...hehe same with Jon and Shortie.

We saw 5 moose!!! a little freaky to drive at night with a possible moose in the road (look up moose accidents and you'll understand why you should drive slowly when a Moose Crossing sign is up --- they rip tops off of cars...its insane)

We went to the border of Canada! Next time we are going to go to Canada - but we didn't have enough time.

Oh, and I had my first 'road rage' type thing...sort of...I guess I was a typical North Eastern attitude person... there was a lady standing on the side of the road with her dog on a leash, and the dog was in the road! No joke --- standing in the road - and she was letting him... so I yelled "Move Your Dog, Idiot"...I was afraid it would get hit...but I didn't realize my Mom had her window down...ekkk... it was a young lady (my age-ish) and she did move her dog and give me a death but embarrassed type look - but we all started was horrible.... I've never really yelled at people ---and the one time I do - the window was down --- I'm still laughing just thinking about it --- not the best moment - but it was funny!

In Vermont we went to a castle --- and 5 covered bridges --- a little freaky driving on them - they make some funky noises - but they are beautiful.

The fall foliage was breathtaking. The Northern New England states had such vibrant colors. Just living there (or visiting) would inspire you to be an artist --- I can't wait to paint some - the colors just went on and on - amazing views - things that you see in art but never dream of it being real -- I can't wait to see my parents photos!

So we went from Virginia to Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, and Pennsylvania.

that makes 31 states that Jon and I have been to in the last few years!

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