Monday, May 21

Even Worse...

**updated - 5/21 @ 9:40am --- just want to state that it comes across she got married in a way to spite her older two children. She wanted to hurt them. Jon has said that nothing surprises him anymore when it comes to Andrea, and he does not feel hurt but instead its a sadness he feels because he is watching someone self destruct and dig their own grave. It would be sad regardless of who it was, as he has said he would feel the same sadness if it were a stranger. What type of marriage is based on lies and betrayals? And what type of marriage is in secret not wanting family and friends to know?**

We thought we spotted the big lies.
We thought we weren't being played a fool too badly...
Well what we thought and what was real were vastly different. Shockingly different.

I was planning on climbing in bed tonight and posting a blog about how we have tried to put a positive spin on the whole Andrea situation. I was going to post about how we hyped the kids up to think about exciting things we could do with the now empty room. How I spent all week cleaning it, steaming the nasty carpets, and getting the kids moving past the sad feelings. Jon had started a new job last week (awesome long story that I WILL post later this week once this is out of my system) and God blessed his schedule to be off early all week because of training, enabling more time to love on the kids. Then today we worked in the room making it into a fun computer, sewing, game room... I was going to post awesome pictures and all about our positive spin...

I was until the phone rang...
A phone call informing me that Andrea changed her facebook to say she married Randy E. Bushee. The guy that she hadn't spoken to for over thirty years up until three weeks ago when she got what she called "a strange" letter from him. That she was not in fact in TN at her brothers but instead in Michigan with him.

Jon text his younger sister to find out if it was true --- she confirmed it.

I called his older sister and she was shocked as well. Stunned, even speechless. (love ya Dianna, but that speaks volumes of the situation when you are speechless, hehe... okay yes I'm trying to laugh about something because this hasn't sunk in yet and I'm still shocked)

Suddenly I had even more questions while at the same time other things were becoming more clear:
 I now understand why she left so much crap behind in our garage and in her room. She didn't need a bed because she had his. She didn't need a table or chairs because she had his... Thats why a man would be willing to take a train out from MI to help you move, not because you are going to your brothers but because you are going with him.
But why in the world would you not tell your daughter? your son? Ask your youngest daughter not to tell them, but then post it on facebook? Why would he not want to meet your family? What lies did you tell him? What new web did you spin?

Seriously you have his phone number and its not blocked (yet) you could have text! You have his email you could have sent him something! You still talk to your older daughter and yet nothing?!?! To have this planned the whole time and still try to throw the pity me you didn't want me here card its so ridiculous. You left without saying goodbye to my babies to your son, so you could run off with this guy before anyone could catch onto your game -- and then to say its what God wants...  I can't even put into words the damage and hurt you have caused for yourself.

But the biggest question I have is what is wrong with you? And I mean that in the truest form of I am extremely concerned for your mental well being. You said this other guy Daryl just proposed to you two weeks ago and you really liked him and it was so hard to tell him no because you needed to work on other stuff with your kids and blah blah blah. But yet now you are married to this Randy guy. I really am worried... I can't wrap my head around it.

Maybe I shouldn't have blogged tonight, but I really am just stunned. Plus I know Andrea needs prayers right now. Something has to be wrong. The situations I've witnessed over the last eight weeks all equal up to one big problem and she needs help.

Well, I'm going to bed, just had to get this out... maybe its too much of a rant and for that I am sorry. I had planned on a happy picture filled blog, but this took over tonight. Thanks for any of your prayers for my husband, his sisters, and for Andrea's well being.

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