Sunday, May 31


This pregnancy is going by fast!
Just shy of five months!

Shortie thinks its a girl. She has said "Gods making a girl in your belly". Last time she was right about Zek being a boy, so we'll see in a few months about this one. I would love another girl and for Shortie to have a sister, but another boy is just as great. I lately have felt like we're having a boy. Either way is a win and huge blessing! Although we only have the girls name picked as of yet.

This baby is an active little one! And man, the cravings have been out there. Lots of mustard, very sharp cheese, anything sour or spicy. Basically anything with loads of flavor. Not big on any meats (although we had cut most out before the pregnancy).

I'm sewing a new crib set and I'm super excited about it (doing the little girl one first because lately I've liked pinks for girls and that is so rare - so I'll jump while I can. Poor Shortie never had pink until recently) But I did see one that was super cute for a little boy, I love the blanket - although it would fit in really well with our basement decor regardless if we use it for a baby :o)

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

That is an awesome nursery set - it's *so* you guys! You know, I was *sure* that Lily was going to be a boy! I was *shocked* when Rob handed me our sweet baby girl! I'd go with Shorties intuition! ;o)

Can't wait to see you guys again!