Wednesday, January 4

Mess of the Day

Okay - let me start by saying that in the description of this blog it mentions something about the craziness of life raising five, or the struggles of life raising five. I want this blog to be an honest look at what our life is like, and that includes those moments you wish didn't happen, wouldn't happen, or simply moments you wish would never leave the house (what happens in the Schroeder home stays in the Schroeder home...ha, yeah with five kids there are no secrets - they blab to anyone who will listen)

Well, here you have one of those moments.
While playing train tracks in the toy room I noticed Conrad's pants were falling down and taking his diaper with it. He is in the beginning stages of potty training (he usually strips naked  right after going to the bathroom and has gone and sat on the toilet a few times with success, however I was not ready over the holidays to start potty training my just turned two two year old)...where was I? Oh, so he is starting to potty train and because he usually takes things off as soon as he goes to the bathroom I thought his diaper was empty and told him to pull his pants and diaper up, that I could see his booty crack (hate calling it butt cracks, they have cute booties and referring to it as butt just makes it sound not so baby and cute). While trying to pull the back part of his diaper up his hands got a little more than a diaper full --- eww! I had my phone out trying to get a picture of Bubba with his awesome track that he built and looked over to see Conrad making his yucky face. I kinda squealed "oh, oh, no. Don't touch. Don't move. Oh gross" to which set off mad laughter in Shortie and Bubba -- didn't help the little man hold still. Since the phone was in my hand set on camera, I snapped a picture of the icky mess. Really doesn't look that bad, a little poo, no big deal - except a little poo all over everything is a big deal - Thankful I was sitting there and this was all I had to clean up.

nope, thats not chocolate, or mud... its exactly what you hope its not.

and yes, I can hear some of you laughing through the computer with one of those evil little laughs... we're totally use to entertaining others with our struggles, dont worry about enjoying our misery ;) 

j/k enjoy our craziness - we would totally be enjoying it from the sidelines if it happened to you

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