Friday, January 27


Okay, so its Friday which means we can finally tell everyone our BIG NEWS!

We're Moving to Dallas!
(yup, Texas, the state we said we would never return to... eating our words indeed)

Super long story made really short -- we realized we are not East Coast people - at least not this part of the east coast (did you know DC was just ranked as the 3rd rudest part of the country?) We are craving deep fellowship like that we had back home in Cali, or even for the short time we were in Texas. We were looking at moving to Nashville. Its the Christian Music Capital and an amazing place (our dream place). However we miss deep fellowship and we know we will have it in Cali and Texas. And the biggest motivation - I have lots of family in Texas (Jon's is spread all over the country) so we figured we would try Texas first.

Jon applied a few places and the next day two places wanted him to fly out for interviews. Later that week he flew out and after his interviews he was offered both jobs. He picked the one that best suits our family and they wanted him to start asap. They agreed on a one month time frame, which meant we were in crazy move mode. Today Jon gave his two week notice, and we move exactly two weeks from tomorrow.

We are over the moon excited to be close to family again (raising five kids with no family within a 24 hour car ride is not ideal, not to mention I miss them, I want my children to be around them more, and when my sister has children I want to be right up the street not half a country away) We are also really excited that we will be within a few miles of several healthy grocery stores (including the first Trader Joe's in the Dallas area), and that Jons new boss is a Christian Father of six and his wife homeschools their children, oh, and he will be working only ten minutes from the house (not 45 without traffic)... too many things to list! So many things to be excited about.

I would be lying if I said we weren't leaving with very heavy hearts... In a way we are saying goodbye to the life we thought was ahead of us... and I'll leave the sad stuff at that for now.

We are in crazy packing moving mode as we move Feb. 11th!!!!

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