Monday, January 2

1. 2. 12

Today we were getting back to our 'normal' routine. It always takes a few days to get really back into the swing of things, but today seemed to kinda fall into place rather smoothly. We were all up and dressed (okay, I admit I stayed in my sweatpants all day --- they were a Christmas gift and uber soft and comfortable so I'd rather just live in least until my other "after-Christmas-because-I-loved-the-first-so-much" pair gets here on thursday, thanks Jon and Gilly Hicks) anyways - back to it - we were up and dressed, ate breakfast, and started our school work all by 9 am.

later in the morning we were surprised and blessed with some friends coming over and cleaning up our half fallen tree. The saw that we had wasn't strong enough to cut through the main branch and Jon is barely home when the sun is up so it wasn't getting done. So Thank You to Andrew and David!

The rest of the day was spent in usual fashion: school, food, play, loads more food, baths, and everything in between.

this was pretty fun - its remote control truck and we were using it as a walker for Grae. She loved it and  we were all  entertained.

Shortie built a doll house out of books in the boys room

Stylish Graesynn - Shortie found some of her old glasses and thought Grae needed them

...and then Conrad thought he needed them

Ezekiel's hat, aka a paper bowl, always need to be stylish at lunch --- eating pear and apple sticks (or  "healthy fries") and a Greek style sandwich

falling asleep while eating lunch

love how kids can do this 

adorable little man


heidirohl said...

does he really fall asleep eating? lol :)

Katie said...

all of the kids have fallen asleep while eating around the same age as Conrad. We will never forget doing one of our road trips and we looked in the back seat and Shortie was falling asleep while eating goldfish. Even sleep can't keep those growing Schroeders away from food. lol.