Wednesday, May 23

Photo Over Load

We went and ran some errands tonight after dinner, something we rarely do. The kids are even more entertaining when your grocery shopping past their bed time. Lots of giggles. I think Jon is asleep in the boys room right now with Bubba and Zekie, and I'm on the laptop snuggled up in our bed with little man Conrad. I realized I had not upload the pictures on my camera in weeks, okay actually over a month... I had 619 pictures, which for me (the daughter of a photographer) isn't that bad, however I haven't really been up for taking pictures over the last few weeks. I promise not post all 619 but I'm sure there will be a great deal of pictures.

I wasn't sure about posting some of these pictures... the ones from Andrea's birthday, but the kids worked really hard to make the day special. I love their kind generous hearts and these pictures remind me of their love.

lunch at the Vegan restaurant for Andrea's birthday

loving his food

waiting for cake

Shortie made a bag mask for her

the boys made paper airplanes for her

messy oatmeal

eating mud off a rock... lol

she is growing up way too fast!

getting ready to go and I found them all reading together on the floor -- melt my mommy heart moment

so proud of these little ones and so in love with them

Pretty Baby Grae

ha - she stuck a vegan grill 'cheese' open sandwich to her dress to save for later. she was so proud of herself

ha, yup ate some of the sandwich and then stuck it back on the dress

Zekie in his dinosaur outfit

Papa's birthday at our house! 

Bubba was laughing so hard at Papa trying to blow out 59 candles

Gaw lovin!

happy boy

Ezekiel giving Papa a hug

pretty little stopping point on our walking trail (just under 3 mile walk)

the half way point on our walk has a great play ground -- Bubba pushed Grae in the swing

three out of four of my boys on our walk

coloring the wrapping for Jons present (each kiddo picked something they wanted to do with Daddy as a present, Bubba's was a board game)

Shortie coloring Jon's present. She was so excited to give him his gift - it was a music book for Taylor Swifts Speak Now cd -- now they can play and sing it together

Shortie made decorations

Auntie RahRah and Uncle Collin came to celebrate - Collin came straight from the airport - thank you!

blowing out the candles

watching Daddy open his present, he was on the edge of his seat

hehe, some of you might now our inside joke with Rhino's -  this shirt was awesome, and the back says "plant strong" so it was even more a fit for us!

my girly girl that loves to be a tom boy too - pretty dress  while covered in mud

pretty rose bush we bought for my mom - it almost didn't make it to her house because I loved it so much

its a climbing Joseph's Coat rose - changes from the yellows to deep reds, beautiful 

after it turned to red/deep pink

we went and saw my Grandpa and all the kids go to visit. Even through his late stage Alzheimer it is such a blessing to have the kids get to visit him

Great Papa and Great Grandma


playing upside down with Gaw

it was so cold but they all really wanted to play in the pool our last night at my parents. We let them  play for about ten minutes - crazy kiddos

silly kiddos

ha ha --- he started doing this super silly dance and stance - it was awesome!

she was proud and having a blast

silly boy

saying goodbye to my parents pretty house

went and drove by our old house by my parents... our first house we bought, still a little sad  to not live there, but so love  where we are now

oh bust! Grae dropped my phone off the banister of the stairs. It even split the battery! 

haha silly boy - dinner is always entertaining I've learned to keep the camera close

Okay - so a good deal of pictures but pictures are always better than another long post. Who can resist these cute little faces and attitudes?!

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