Saturday, September 6


So, I finally broke, and did something that I said I'd never do... one of those things that when you are younger you say "when I have kids I'll never...." and then you have kids and realize why parents do certain things, or let their kids do certain things, or heck, even let their kids out of the house looking the way they do sometimes...

well, I said I would never have their rooms be character themes - I broke. Bubba now has a train bedspread, and Shortie has Disney Princesses. Its only for while we are out here for the winter - then back to normal (I hope).

Although it is funny because I hate pink - poor Shortie for the first two years really had nothing pink - now I love it for her - I miss her pink and green pottery barn style room... And now, she has tons and tons of pink princess things (although she still has yet to see a disney 'princess' movie) and Bubba -- I dont mind the train theme - I just wish it was more of a true old style looking train ... with engines painted on the walls ... a classic look - accompanied by his thomas the train toys (instead of Thomas being the theme) .. Yes, I know I am odd...

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